Home How To's UNN Mail UNN Portal ResearchGate Contacts Maps Search UNN Web Home Academics Administration Libraries Campuses Alumni ICT Unit Time Table Open Edu. Resources CDeL News COMPUTER BASED TEST FOR MTH 111 COMPUTER BASED TEST MTH 111 This is to inform all students who have duly registered online for MTH 111 that the Computer Based Test for MTH 111 examination would be taking place on Wednesday 2 nd May, 2018. Venue : University Library (Last Floor) Time : 9:00am N.B All students are advised to come to the test venue just with their writing materials, ID card or School fees receipt (coloured printout) for identification. No calculator, phone, wallet, hand towel, cap, or any other item is allowed. If seen will be seized and destroyed. All candidates should be at the exam venue, 30 minutes before their scheduled time. S/N DEPARTMENT STUDENT POPULATION B...