
Showing posts from June, 2018 DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS FOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS FOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE TETFund has approved and released funds under Year 2017 for Conference Attendance Intervention for the under listed candidates: S/No. Candidate Conference Title, Location & Country Conference Date Amount Approved 1. Dim Chibuzor Livina 13 th   Int’l Conf. on open Repository, Bozeman, Montana, USA 4 th  –  7 th June, 2018 1,767,765.00 2. Okpoko Chinwe C. Int’l Assoc. for Media & Communication Research 2018 Conf. (IAMCR), Univ. of Oregon, USA 20 th  – 24 th June, 2018 1,842,955.00 3. Dr. Chinwe Chukwudi Annual Conf. of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 16 th  – 20 th June, 2018 1,733,455.00 4. Prof. U.C. Okoro Int’l Conf. of Pure & Applied Chemistry ICPAC-2018, Mauritius 5 th  – 6 th J...